Instructor:Benjamin Melby
Grading Method: Letter (Letter)
Credits: 3
Department: ENGL (2000)
Academic Level: K-12 Professionals
Start/End Dates: 07/07/2025 - 07/17/2025
Completion Date: 07/31/2025
Term: Summer 2025
Location: NDSU Minard Hall, Fargo, ND
Instruction Mode: Face-to-Face
Cost: $150

Meeting Pattern


Prepare and "demo" classroom lessons for the group; read and discuss best practices for teaching writing; workshop and complete a writing portfolio with three distinct genres of writing. Focuses on maintaining high standards for reading, writing, and critical thinking in the age of Chat-GPT.

Whether we want to discourage the use of AI, or promote AI use and fluency, our goal as educators should be the same: to help students make more intentional and informed decisions about how they use language in relation to their audience and purpose as writers. 

The Red River Valley Writing Project's Summer Institute offers you a place to learn, share, and grow--as writers and as teachers of writing. 

Syllabus, Objectives, and Outcomes


You will:


Required Text:

Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning by C. Edward Watson and José Antonio Bowen

Teacher Testimonials:

"I loved this opportunity to work with and learn from other educators!"

"Really excellent! I have got familiar with so many innovative ideas. It has opened up new avenues for me to rethink AI."        

"Demo sessions are really innovative. Group discussions are really helpful. Moreover, the way you organized each session is really excellent."

"The discussions challenged me to think about different aspects of AI. I am realizing it is not a black and white issue, and I will need to work through some of the gray areas to develop my own policy and level of use in the classroom."

"Our book discussions and activities were especially helpful, along with the demos. Actually getting the opportunity to DO the activities - to get practice in prompting, evaluating feedback from AI, and comparing human vs. AI writing was all very helpful!"

"I loved the structure and format of the course. It really created high level thinking activities and a lot of great application to concepts. Definitely love this format."

"Everything seemed organized from the beginning and end of each day which made it easy to follow the learning expectations of this course. This course has been very practical in using AI tools in the classroom for us to learn about the nuances of AI tools."

Registration Instructions

Participation is by invitation only - apply @

NDSU online registration URL closes @ 5:00 p.m. on July 3, 2025.  You will receive an electronic email when you have successfully registered.
