Instructor:Darcy Bakkegard
Grading Method: Letter (Letter)
Credits: 1
Department: EDUC (2000)
Academic Level: K-12 Professionals
Start/End Dates: 06/16/2025 - 09/15/2025
Completion Date: 09/15/2025
Term: Summer 2025
Location: Gigi's Playhouse, 3224 20th Street South, Fargo, ND
Instruction Mode: Combo (face-to-face and online)
Cost: $75

Meeting Pattern


Reconnect with your purpose, revive your teacher joy, and knock out a few items from your teacher to-do list.

Let’s create more JOY in teaching and learning. That may sound “silly,” but joy is critical to your well-being in the classroom. This Joy Lab is designed for special education teachers to connect, collaborate, and refresh. Gigi’s Playhouse will provide a few practical strategies; you provide the implementation. You’ll identify something you’d like to do to make teaching and learning more joyful then earn continuing education credit for doing it.

You will:

Come solo or with a team to tackle a shared goal! Teaching is hard. PD shouldn’t be.

Syllabus, Objectives, and Outcomes


You will:


Text:  The Joy Lab Journal (will be provided)

Required Student Resources:

  1. Computer
  2. Access to our Google Classroom - email to be added.
  3. Reliable Wifi connection.
  4. Complete preworkshop questionnaire & Reflection activities (in questionnaire).

Registration Instructions

Enrollment is limited to 25. 

Online registration URL closes @ 5:00 p.m. on June 20, 2025.  You will receive an electronic email when you have successfully registered.
