Meeting Pattern
Zoom Sessions - June 7, 21, July 5, 19, August 2 & 16 = 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. + August 30 & Sept 13 = 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.Description
Parents play an essential role in a gifted child’s social and emotional well-being. Home is the safe haven where adults help their child make sense of themselves and the world outside. Gifted children have exceptional needs. They often struggle to make sense of their gifted traits that can serve as double-edge swords. What is seen as their strength is often criticized as their weakness through comments such as, “You are too sensitive,” or “You are intense,” or “Your sense of humor is strange.” Like all children, they want to make friends and feel understood.
Meet like-minded parents who face similar challenges comforting their gifted child. This book study offers parents of gifted children support in understanding their children’s social-emotional needs and how to help them advocate for academic support and professional services. Teachers who work with parents of gifted students will learn strategies they can recommend to parents on how to strengthen their children’s social-emotional and academic health.
8 sessions:
- 1) Introductions, Defining Giftedness, Characteristics of Gifted Children;
- 2) Overexcitabilities, Twice-Exceptionalities;
- 3) Motivation, Enthusiasm, Underachievement, Self-Management, Educational Fit;
- 4) Intensity, Perfectionism, Stress;
- 5) Acquaintances, Friends, Peers;
- 6) Idealism, Unhappiness, Depression, Professional Help;
- 7) Family Relationships, Complexities of Parenting;
- 8) Communications, Values, Traditions, Uniqueness
Syllabus, Objectives, and Outcomes
- Learn about the unique and complex needs of gifted children;
- Learn about gifted definitions and how schools identify gifted students;
- Understand what contributes to underachievement and learn practical steps to increase your child’s motivation;
- Learn about factors that make gifted children more susceptible to stress;
- Learn how to improve your child’s access and exposure to true friends;
- Learn how to help your child strengthen his/her communication skills.
Required Text
Webb, J.T., Gore, J.L., Amend, E.R., and DeVries, A.R. (2007). A Parent’s Guide to Gifted Children. Great Potential Press Inc. Tucson, AZ.
Registration Instructions
This event requires pre-registration prior to registering for NDSU credit -
Summer registrations begin March 1, 2022. NDSU online registration URL closes June 16, 2022 @ 5:00 p.m.