Instructor:Erin Sinner/Alexandra Kollman
Grading Method:
Letter (Letter)
EDUC (2000)
Academic Level:
K-12 Professionals
Start/End Dates:
05/24/2024 - 08/02/2024
Completion Date:
Summer 2024
Instruction Mode:
Internet Asynchronous (online class)
This book study is an opportunity for teachers to learn about in-depth current topics in Standards-Based Instruction, Evidence-Based Grading, Evidence-Based Reporting. Teachers will read the assigned chapters, analyze and discuss chapters with peers, and reflect on their learning to grow their application-based knowledge on EBR, PLCs, and assessments. Teachers will participate in Canvas through discussion posts, conversation posts, and reflections.
Syllabus, Objectives, and Outcomes
You will:
- Gain comprehensive knowledge of the principles and practices of Evidence-Based Grading and Reporting as highlighted in the works of Tony Reibel and others.
- Delve into the core concepts of Proficiency-Based Learning and Instruction through engagement with texts like "Proficiency-Based Instruction: Rethinking Lesson Design and Delivery" by Twadell et al.
- By examining "Leading Standards-Based Learning" by Heflebower, Hoegh, and Warrick, teachers will develop strategies to integrate standards-based learning into their science teaching practices, focusing on aligning curriculum, instruction, and assessment with educational standards.
- Learn to apply the principles of evidence-based grading to make student learning visible and actionable.
- Through reading and discussion of various articles by experts like Townsley, Guskey, and Kollman, will stay abreast of the latest research, trends, and debates in science education, including the exploration of informal networks in education as discussed in "Conveyors of Culture" by Deal & Peterson.
- engage in reflective practices through discussion posts, conversations, and reflections in Canvas. This process will encourage teachers to consider how their newly acquired knowledge on EBR, PLCs, and assessments can be applied to enhance their teaching methodologies and support student learning.
Text: Individual readings or chapters will be provided by instructor:
- Evidence-based Grading and Proficiency-based Learning by Tony Reibel
- Conveyors of Culture: The Informal Network by Deal & Peterson
- Leading Standards-Based Learning by Heflebower, Hoegh, and Warrick
- Pathways to Proficiency: Implementing Evidence-Based Grading by Gobble et al
- Proficiency-Based Grading in the Content Areas: Insights and Key Questions for Secondary Schools by Wendy Custable et al
- Proficiency-Based Instruction: Rethinking Lesson Design and Delivery by Twadell et al
- To Help New Students Adapt, Some Colleges Are Eliminating Grades by Marcus
- Why Some Colleges Are Replacing Letter Grades for First Semester Students by Heqimi
- Why the 100-Point Grading Scale Is a Stacked Deck by Terada
- Various articles from Townsley, Guskey, Kollman
Required Student Resources:
- Access to Canvas
Registration Instructions
Online registration URL closes @ 5:00 p.m. on June 7, 2024. You will receive an electronic email when you have successfully registered.