Instructor:Kendra Woodstead
Grading Method: Letter (Letter)
Credits: 1
Department: EDUC (2000)
Academic Level: K-12 Professionals
Start/End Dates: 04/02/2024 - 05/18/2024
Completion Date: 05/24/2024
Term: Spring 2024
Instruction Mode: Internet Asynchronous/Synchronous (online class)
Cost: $75

Meeting Pattern

Synchronous zoom sessions from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday evening


This will be a brief introduction to learning theory and teaching methods, specifically under the mindset of teaching with care and purpose. It’s intended to be a low-stakes environment to learn about and test out new methods, along with opportunities to brainstorm and problem-solve with peers in the class.

This class will be using Google Classroom for the learning platform.

Syllabus, Objectives, and Outcomes


You will:

Intended Audience:

Anyone interested in learning about learning theory is invited to join this class! Some specific groups in mind include higher ed faculty, instructional coaches, K-12 teachers and paras, people who work in a tutoring center, people who work with adult learners, etc. 

Evaluation of Learning:

  1. For those taking the course for professional development credit:

This will be an “ungraded” course, as I will not be assigning numerical scores or letter grades to assignments. Since it is required that you receive a letter grade for the credit, you will complete a self-assessment at the end of the course where you will choose a letter grade you feel represents your performance in the class. I trust that you will reflect and answer honestly on your effort and progress throughout the course. If there are any self-assessments that I have questions about or disagree with, I will reach out to you so we can discuss it.

      2. For those taking the course not for professional development credit:

You are still invited to complete the self-assessment at the end of the class, but it is not required. I do think there is a lot of value in reflection and seeing where you started and where you end up, even in our short time together. Email the instructor to register for the non-credit

Registration Instructions

Online registration URL closes @ 5:00 p.m. on April 4, 2024.  You will receive an electronic email when you have successfully registered.
