Meeting Pattern
- August 7, 8:30 a.m. is registration, 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- August 8, 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Join the Foreign Language Association of North Dakota (FLAND) for their 2024 Summer Conference course, "Vintage Innovation: Leveraging Retro Tools and Classic Ideas to Design Deeper Learning Experiences." In this conference, participants will read book and attend (in-person) the FLAND conference, August 7 and 8, 2024 at Center for Innovation Ina Mae Rude Entrepreneur Center, 4200 James Ray Drive, Grand Forks, ND, 58202.
The central piece of this course/conference will be the book Vintage Innovation: Leveraging Retro Tools and Classic Ideas to Design Deeper Learning Experiences by John Spencer. Paperback ISBN: 978-7341725-5-3 --- eBook ISBN: 978-7341725-6-0
Syllabus, Objectives, and Outcomes
You will:
- Learn how to innovate when they don’t have the best technology.
- Learn how to use vintage tools, ideas, and approaches in new ways.
- How to use constraints to spark creativity.
- Blend together the “tried and true” with the “never tried.”
Required Text
Vintage Innovation: Leveraging Retro Tools and Classic Ideas to Design Deeper Learning Experiences by John Spencer. Paperback ISBN: 978-7341725-5-3; eBook ISBN: 978-7341725-6-0
Topical Outline:
Read the assigned book and submit a reflection on each chapter on one of the following and submit it on Google Classroom.
1. What excerpt from the reading (or podcast) challenged your thinking as a language educator?
2. What excerpt from the reading (or podcast) reinforced a specific teaching practice that you use?
3. After reading the chapter (and listening to the podcast), what is something new you are wanting to try in the future?
Chapter 1: We Can’t Predict the Future
Chapter 2: The Future is Vintage
- Listen to the Podcast: Inspired Proficiency by Ashley Uyaguari, Episode Titled: Thoughtful Technology Integration with Catherine Ousselin
Chapter 3: What is Vintage Innovation?
Chapter 4: In a World of Constant Change, Our Students Need to be Divergent Thinkers
Chapter 5: In an Automated World, Our Students Need to use Analog Tools
Chapter 6: In a World of Artificial Intelligence, Our Students Need Philosophy
Chapter 7: In a Connected World, Our Students Need Empathy
Chapter 8: In a World of Social-Media Our Students Need to be Citizen Journalists
- Listen to the podcast: Cult of Pedagogy by Jennifer Gonzalez, Episode 150: A Few Creative Ways to Use Student Blogs
Chapter 9: In Globalized World, Our Students Need to Embrace the Local Community
Chapter 10: In a World of Virtual Reality, Our Students Need to Study Nature
Chapter 11: In a World of Augmented Reality, Our Students Need Imagination
- Listen to the Podcast: Inspired Proficiency by Ashley Uyaguari, Episode Titled Games & Movement with Sarah Breckley
Chapter 12: In a Distracted World, Our Students Need to Engage in Deep Work
Chapter 13: In a World of Virtual Reality, Our Students Need to Study Nature
Chapter 14: In a World of Instant Information, Our Students Need to be Curators
Chapter 15: Using a Food Truck Approach
Conference/Session Agenda:
Presenters: Ashley Mikklesen & Emily Parrill
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
- 8:30 - 9:00 = Registration and Silent Auction Open
- 9:00 - 12:30 = Session 1: Technology Integration and Language Acquisition
- 12:30 - 2:00 = Lunch and Membership Meeting
- 2:00-4:30 Session 2: Vintage
Thursday, August 8, 2024
- 8:00-8:30 Silent Auction Opens
- 8:30-11:30 Session 3: Modern
- 11:30-1:00 Lunch and AAT Meetings
- 1:00-3:00 Session 4: Mash-up
Registration Instructions
Fees: Payable to FLAND: This event requires pre-registration and pay the FLAND Conference and Membership Dues 2024-2025 of $195.00.
For NDSU Professional Development credit, click the "register" below. Registration URL closes @ 5:00 p.m. on August 8, 2024. You will receive an electronic email when you have successfully registered.