Instructor:Sherri Bonham
Grading Method: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U)
Credits: 1
Department: EDUC (2000)
Academic Level: K-12 Professionals
Start/End Dates: 08/26/2024 - 12/16/2024
Completion Date: 12/16/2024
Term: Fall 2024
Location: ND Statewide
Instruction Mode: Internet Asynchronous (online class)
Cost: $50

Meeting Pattern


Cognia is proud to partner with NDCEL and NDDPI to provide this professional learning program for North Dakota leaders. This professional learning for leaders is designed to support a variety of administrative leader roles within schools and systems. Specifically, the content and delivery are structured to accommodate the busy schedules of leaders, leveraging evidence-based strategies to impact teaching and learning. The program integrates three different kinds of job-embedded learning experiences to address relevant problems of practice in your school or system.

Syllabus, Objectives, and Outcomes


As a result of your participation in this course, you will develop and demonstrate the following outcomes:

Leader Knowledge:

Leader Behavior:

Registration Instructions

Online registration URL closes @ 5:00 p.m. on December 16, 2024.  You will receive an electronic email when you have successfully registered.
