Instructor:Kaia Berggren
Grading Method: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U)
Credits: 1
Department: EDUC (2000)
Academic Level: K-12 Professionals
Start/End Dates: 12/01/2023 - 12/31/2023
Completion Date: 12/31/2023
Term: Fall 2023
Location: Google Classrooms
Instruction Mode: Internet Asynchronous (online class)
Cost: $100


Do you have middle schoolers? Do you teach middle school? Are you sometimes surprised by their behavior? Do you find yourself caught off guard by the things they say, the way they act, or how they can be calm and sweet one minute and rebellious and mouthy the next? Well, you aren’t alone. Many other parents and teachers have felt the same way. In this book study, Kevin Leman, gives parents (and teachers) practical principles in relation to hormones, social media, and peers, that will help during those tough adolescent years. Leman states his book will help parents - understand their child's rapidly expanding world - respond rather than react to emotional swings - tell their child about sex (before someone else tells them their version) - create opportunities for their child to practice selflessness and gratitude - ensure that their kid is one who loves home and family Hopefully you’ll be able to start to see the world through their eyes and develop a greater empathy for the students or your own kids. My goal is for you to will seek to understand how and why your middle schoolers think, feel, and act the way they do. You’ll be given some practical tips and ways to practice what you learn whether that is in your classroom, with a grandchild, in a youth group setting, or with your own kids. The class will be taught on Google Classroom with 1-2 chapters of reading each week along with 1-2 discussion questions for each chapter.

Syllabus, Objectives, and Outcomes


Course Requirements

This book study is self-paced. Students will need a Google account, so that they can participate in a Google Classroom and complete assignments on that learning platform. 

Required Student Resources:

Planet Middle School: Helping Your Child through the Peer Pressure, Awkward Moments & Emotional Drama Paperback – May 16, 2017 ISBN9780800727949 Dr. Kevin Leman $10-15

Topical Outline:

Weekly reading assignments + reflection and application answered on Google Classroom based on reading the text and specific content in each chapter.

Registration Instructions

Online registration URL closes @ 5:00 p.m. on December 15, 2023.
