Instructor:Joe Deutsch
Grading Method: Letter (Letter)
Credits: 1
Department: EDUC (2000)
Academic Level: K-12 Professionals
Start/End Dates: 10/16/2023 - 11/12/2023
Completion Date: 11/17/2023
Term: Fall 2023
Instruction Mode: Combo (face-to-face and online)
Cost: $75

Meeting Pattern

Zoom Meeting Sessions from 8:00 - 10:00 p.m.


This course is an opportunity to learn, with North Dakota professionals, how to incorporate the new Health.Moves.Minds (HMM) SEL curriculum into the classroom. Participants need to register on the website for the HMM resources. Participants do not need to complete an event or fundraiser. That is a second optional component of the program that will be discussed but NOT required. 

Syllabus, Objectives, and Outcomes


You will understand:


Required Student Resources

Register for the Health.Moves.Minds curriculum at: Curriculum is free.

Registration Instructions

Online registration URL closes @ 5:00 p.m. on October 25, 2023.
